Wednesday, April 13, 2005

finally back by my side!!

yes yes yes! it's finally back to my blossom! [not literally of cos]... been suffering under the unstablity of wireless connection. today finally my own pc is back and working! i never thot i would miss my own pc tat much.... over-reliance on technology? i admit. i'll die [bored] w/o pc and internet... dun luff at me, i'm talking abt u too... hehehee....

so at least i won't go to bed everynite
frustrated cos i can't get a stable connection... and i probably be able to blog more... tat is IF i home early... today is the only day since i started work tat i actually reach home b4 8pm....


kittyn said...

hehe... welcome to the late-knock-off-hours club... kekeke

lAzy pAnda said...

okie i think i win u last nite... i knock off at 2.... AM!!!!

then tis morn rush in by 930... brunch at 2plus.... yest only have 1 late lunch at 4plus.... will i go slimmer? :P