Sunday, October 12, 2008

brit got talent - let's go all pottsy!

just watched britain got talent, yes, paul potts!
i've not much interest in opera.. but his performance is truly amazing! it bring tears to my eyes... it's TAT touching...
a humble mobile salesman with extraordinary talent... with no formal training, yet his voice is like of an angel... i love his performance!
he may not have the looks but definitely the voice... it's refreshing to see or rather hear him sing...

let's go all pottsy!!!!

p.s. i need to go get his cd!!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

fingers cramping time!

78 words

Typing Test

kinda fun to try it out but... i hate typing on laptop >.<


银幕出现 微笑的你
身后一片 宁静风景
悠蓝的天 碧蓝的海
看似相连 只隔一线
却如你我 天渊之 别了