Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nonsensical Poem: 1, 2, 3 Skip

One, Two, Three, Four
I tumble and fall...
Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Think I broke a leg...
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve
Slowly killing myself...
Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen
The air is getting thin...
Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
My head is starting to spin...
Nineteen, Twenty
I'll skip until i'm skinny!!!


Hairy Crab said...

I wanna get rid of my TUMMY!!

can borrow skipping rope?

Not to skip.. to hang myself :P

lAzy pAnda said...

hahahaa... u can have it if i fail to lose weight [after i hang myself tat it]... cos not gonna use it if u use it 1st... :P