Sunday, July 01, 2007

bubble stitches removed

just got back frm the vet for bubble's post-op check up. had his stitches removed, but still have to wear the e-collar for another 3-4 days... did another blood test for his liver problem. slight problem, not chronic... now he's on a liver supplement for 3 wks. so hopefully it helps him to absorb more nutrients and get wat the vet call a "super model figure": slim with abit of muscles...

total damage today: $117/-

his next appt will be a mth time and he'll get his vaccination then... *can see more $$$ flying out*

the good thing is he seems to be recovering well... and he actually put on 200g!!!! i guess the vet's prescribed food and more time spent with him helps. i foresee my social life have to suffer while i give bubble more time... issit worth all the $$ and sacrifice? *look at bubble playing his toy* YES! i'm all the family he have now. and he's my family too....


MaxOnline said...

keke...glad he's recovering well. Erm...when u have a pet, u gotta b prepared for these expenses, no choice de ba.

The toy is that green little thing ?

lAzy pAnda said...

hehehe yah the green octopus :P

Oink said...

I'm glad to hear that 'rabbit bubbles' is doing well. After all the $$ and trouble, it's def worth it to see him back to his old self and growing fatter... :)