Wednesday, April 25, 2007

emails between me and my little boss

from me to boss:

Every 4th week of April is Secretary's Week.. and unofficially, the 4th wed is Secretary's Day... aka TODAY!

nope i not hinting lah, whr got? i'm just sharing a piece of information only. boss, it's purely for your information nia... really de.... *blink blink*


boss reply:

Jo, can treat you for Secretaries week...but remember the following dates...


my "reply":

From: Mail Delivery System [] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 16:36 PM Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be read by one or more of itsrecipients. The email content is apparently being banned by user.
This is a permanent error. Please do not attempt to resend.


Dee Dee said...

That is the most classic reply ever!!

Score 10 for jo - 0 for boss. LOL!!


lAzy pAnda said...

*takes a bow* wahahahahaa.....

kittyn said...

hahahahah farnee.....