Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ISO Certifier...

--> title of my stomach now >.<

it's all along sensitive, seems to have slight [this is an understatement] allergy to oil and chilli... but recently it just "upgraded"... being ISO is not joke...

since sat had lunch with wil, hainanese chicken rice... didn't eat till sun noon cos stomach going thru severe ISO testing 0.O sun had vegetarian bee hoon, testing cont'd... yest had noodle soup [lunch] and porridge [dinner]... still testing...

basically, regardless of watever i eat, it just come out... yes i know it's gross... my apologies if u just eaten, going to eat or eating now... excuse me now, my stomach still cont'd the ISO processes.... -_-"


MaxOnline said...

isit IBS ? Irritable bowel syndrome ? gotta keep away from heavy drinking / oil and some other stuffs. Heard the medication not cheap.

lAzy pAnda said...

haven't been drinking (the beer kitty got for me from her dunnoe wat trip is still in my fridge); also avoided oily/spicy food liao... i can't be surviving on porridge alone rite? >.<

and yes the medication is NOT cheap *sob*