Monday, April 17, 2006

1st Day of My New Job!

Never had an admin job before... i must say it's really different from wat i was used to. and being a secretary in a law firm?! [yes i can hear ppl luff until drop off chair]... being in the creative industry all along, it was casual and relaxing [working environment]... is all offices so quiet and conservative? :P

but so far so good... 1st day as usual nothing much to do... shouldn't be a problem coping with the work... only possible problem is that i might fall asleep at my desk, esp after lunch... hehehee... colleagues seems okie... of cos it helps that wendy is around :D paiseh today i lightbulb ur lunch date with ur darling heehee.....

ps: i was told the only other smoker in the office is my direct boss... gosh!!! -_-"

pps: i just found out i can't fit into my office pants!!!! shit!!!! i thot i put on weight, but the pants is now too loose.... i was TAT fat??!!! anw, the problem now lays with i have only one skirt to wear to work!!! aarrrgghhh..... hopefully my other skirt top with shawl can't tell it's too casual.... *pray hard hard*


kittyn said...

seems that your mini-stay at the hospital helped scare some of those extra pounds away!! kekeke

lAzy pAnda said...

but it's not my preferred way of scaring them away lor .... :S and i still need to get rid of more!!!!

Alson Teo said...

No way! Who heard of a skinny panda? Hahaha

lAzy pAnda said...

DP i like to set new trends can or not? :P

fireburn, thanks for dropping by! :)