Friday, December 22, 2006

Today is End of Winter...

literal translation of the chinese festive "dong zhi"... only cantonese celebrates it... and mind u, this day is of more importance than reunion dinner on eve of cny... so tonite die die also must go have dinner with parents... tat would mean tml i'll have to come back office to clear the mountain! and hopefully i dun have to come back again on sun... *cross fingers cross legs*

just now have a super heavy lunch with the chinese in my office... so sad, there's only 6 of us! but the dim sum buffet is really.... ... ... next time cannot let my "little boss" order sia! just cos the shrimp dumplings and siew mai is nice doesn't mean we can finish 4 orders of each in our 3rd round of orders!!! *faintz*

it's end of winter... and i wanna do now is.... hibenate!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

pangkor trip...

apparently there's 2 pangkor island.. one is very ex!!!! and nope we din go thr... co. not TAT rich u noe...

anw here's some pics i took frm the trip... nice resort, food variety not bad [tho after a few meals u get sian of the food]... nice pool... had a great time r&r thr... and "accidentally" got darker again... -_-" i got put sun block de!!!

okie tis is me otw to KL... just woke up frm nap and trying out my new mobile.. hehehee....

lazing by the pool... listening to my new walkman phone! heheheee....

me and some colleagues.... and accidentally leak some electricity also... yah yah wat's new rite? *ROTFL*

my best buy during the trip?? a pair of mid calf boots at RM$50!!! *cover mouth giggles*

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

mission impossible... ... ...

can i in 1 day finish all the diary actions for this entire 7 days? humanly impossible... not to mention i still have to clear ancient shits [from previous eras], new shits [from the other gal who got axed]... and my daily dosage of work...

suddenly drag gog for co. trip tomolo... dun get me wrong, i longed for the break... just tat i'll have such a hard time prior to going! *pull hair* the new secretary [poor gal tis is only her 2nd week of work] have to take over the other gal's job and cover me for the next few days... god bless her....

good thing is, my "little boss" noes it's impossible to finish! altho he did suggest me to go back pack during lunch and come back work overnite... almost wanna bash him sia... but of cos in the end, he say just do those with deadlines, the rest of the reminders etc, just leave it till i come back... good for now, but next mon when i come back how?! dare not think sia....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

wish comes true... ... ...

i've been my own santa.... and got myself the sony ericsson w850i!!! total damage $468... okie now i shall declare myself as broke!!!!

like wat roast chicken say, if u got the cash for it then buy lor... rather than u every other day go online to stare at the phone... yes i need to get it out of my system, into my bag! the mutant was talking abt a certain obssession? well tis must be mine! hahahaa....

phone was pretty cool tho it took me more than an hr to finally install the softwares and d/l songs into it... and stil not used to the new ringtone... ppl called and i thot it's my alarm and i try to snooze it! *faintz*

Monday, December 11, 2006

earthquake... ...

1st sms i got today is frm the other secretary, saying that she's on mc today... and even b4 lunch, she has received a call frm our HR that she's been fired... -_-" yes i noe she doesn't have the best work attitude... and the amount of leave and mc on either mon and fri is not helping...

i'm evil, i dun sympathize with her plight... those who have heard me KPKB would noe why... but tat aside, shouldn't she be given a "chance", a "warning"? before the axe just drop on her out of the blue... suddenly i fear for my own neck *shivers*

Saturday, December 09, 2006


yest finally made use of my bday voucher [given by co.]... bought a foundation refill and a mascara frm estee lauder! am quite impressed by their service. i totally forgot the no. of my foundation.. [u mean there are ppl who actually can rem?!] and the gal went, "no worries just let me have ur ic# and i'll check it out for you." they actually keep a database of the products you have purchased. nice! :)

total cost $94, total cash spent $44.. hehehee.... and i'm trying to accumulate $300 in 3 mths to get their discount card wor! but only available at the estee counter of robinson at raffles city... so if any of u wanna get products from estee, go thr and buy using my ic# and help me k? next time can "share" the discount card mah! *cover mouth giggles*

next item to get is their night repair cream... tried their tester the last time round... really nice... heard their eye cream is fanatistic too... but not hardworking enuff to apply every nite... so my panda eyes ain't cos their product no good wor :P

Friday, December 08, 2006

chocolates chocolates chocolates...

went dinner with the executive from KL office last nite... supposedly to have dinner and drinks with him... somehow i "owe" him one... which i have no idea how tat started... anw, ended up my lady boss and her daughter went along too... good thing is dinner is FREE! but after dinner, followed by a indulgence session at the chocolate bar at esplanade... there goes our drinks :P

the chocolate bar at esplanade is NICE! i ordered a dark chocolate drink with orchid flower oil... tho i can't taste the orchid flower, ooh well who cares when the dark chocolate is nice! hehehee.... also shared a chocolate fondue! yummy!! comes with white, milk and dark chocolate and an assortment of fruits and bread... the other exec who went with us said dark chocolate is not heaty.... really?? *lub chin* anw today voice still abt the same so i guess not much difference... no voice and not much voice is no big difference rite? wahhahahahaaa......

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

mute and handicap...

yes, i'm still "voiceless"... and i forgot to bring my mobile out today!!! aarrrgghh.... now i'm totally handicap, i can't rem a single phone no.! tis is the curse of mobile phone book... i can forget abt having a chauffeur after work liao -_-"

came back to office today... surprisingly i can still see my table. cos the corresponding files of the stack of letters i have to report is not brought out ... YET! plus i missed 3 days of diary report [inclusive of today] to catch up... i should be glad if i can go off at 8pm... sian 1/2...

Monday, December 04, 2006

when silence is not an option...

now i sound like my comp which sound card has spoilt! yes.... i have no voice... last wk had a bit of flu, lun.... took medicine hoping for the virus to blow over... fri and sat started coughing... by the time i reach home on sat nite [or rather sun morn] i sounded like anita mui! sun when i got up, shit! it's like speaker spoilt sia....

went sitex hoping to get sound card [for my comp of cos]... but apparently it's too basic for this hi-tec exhibition... none of the stalls sell! aaaaarrrgghh.... end up walk into Big Boy Toys, see see look look.... well more for the mutant to see and take pics... of wat u all noe lah wahahahahahaaha .....

went to tampines shop shop.... buay gam wan i got nothing mah... end up brought 1 pant and 1 top for office wear...
hey wait! i'm supposed to talk abt my voice.. or the lack of it... yes today went to see doc. fever, flu, cough and voice box infection -_-" doc say at least 2 days cannot talk if not it'll be very hard for me to get my voice back... thanks i dun wanna sound like anita mui permanently lor.... so *zip*

the worse part of tis beside i'll have bad breathe for not talking... is tat i can't scold bubble!!!! esp. u all noe he like to make that irritating whining sound.... aaarrrggghhh..... the good part is, i can't take cab... cos i can't even tell the cab uncle wat's my destination!!!!! *faintz*