Friday, May 27, 2005

My dark side calleth.....

hubby's return delay..... yet again! getting sick of blogging abt it, but.... I CAN'T HELP IT!!! no wonder i'm anakin [see Quiz: What Star Wars Character Are You?]

i was totally pissed last nite when he missed his flight... and the thing is [beside his numerous delays], he cancelled his flight at 9pm cos he left shenzhen at 830 to catch the flight at 945 in HK.... how NOT to miss? *shake head* and he never called when he said he would, whether he managed to get on the flight or not.... i waited till 1045pm and called him, only to find him back in shenzhen! in the 1hr45mins he can't even find the time to call me and let me know? and before i could say anything, he said he have to go.... toilet and DA BIAN!!! aaarrrgghhh~~~~~~~

i having problems dealing with his never-come-to-pass promises of return... and worse, despite being instructed by my pastor to call me everyday which he did initally, it ends up i'm the one who called him.... his "reason", he's busy.... i seriously dun feel i'm being valued... his work seems so much more impt... i felt like i'm a monument placed at home, no maintainence needed!! harlo, even a monument u also have to dust it rite? -_-"

and today i was so pissed, when i was talking to my pastor's wife.... i actually let out "what the F***!" siao liao~~~~

yup i can hear the dark side calling to me, louder and louder........... -_-"


kittyn said...

*pat pat*


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that babe.
