Is public transport truly public?I just had one of the worse cab ride of my life.... nope the driver ain't F1 contestant.... just tat he was playing a Buddhist chanting cd!! no offence to buddhists. but i ain't frm tat religion.... and can u imagine a 20mins of chanting the same phrase in the tone and beat??!! -_-" it simply gets into my nerves and not to mention into my head....
taxi is part of the public transport rite? but do the public have any right while in it? can we request the kinda music we wanna hear [or NOT hear]? how about the kinda air freshener? the speed to go? or issit we pay for the entire ride and we still have no say??!! no wonder so many ppl prefer to drive their own car......
you can definitely make a polite request for the cab drivers to change the radio station and/or change the volume. i have done it on several occasions and not once has anyone said no. you are paying for that ride, it's your choice. if the smell makes you uncomfortable, you can tell them that you are not feeling well and would like to wind down the windows. i have done this too. if they are driving jerkily or too fast for your comfort, just let them know. they usually try to comply. :)
it's a old uncle leh.... oledi driving not very "smooth"... he up the volume as he speed up.... i scare w/o the chanting he drive even worse.... -_-"
if that's how you feel, can't say that i feel very sorry for you nor do I blame the driver.
If you are not comfortable, you can certainly make a request to the driver.... if you didn't open your mouth, then dun blame it on public transport. They can't read your mind you know.
I was thinking of the same question too. How much rights do we have on a cab? Ultimately, we are paying.
Yours is okay liao. There was once I board an indian driver's cab (no offence to the indians) and he's blasting his indian music and the car has got a weird smell. I have to end up open the window a bit and put axe oil on my nose to block out the smell.
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