Monday, March 28, 2005



那 时,大熊猫浑身雪白,没有一块黑色的斑纹,为了表示对死难者的崇敬,大熊猫们戴着黑色的臂章来参加葬礼。在这感人的葬礼上,大熊猫们悲伤得痛哭 流涕,它们的眼泪竟与臂章上的黑色混合在一起淌下,它们一擦,黑色却染出了大眼点,它们悲痛得揪自己的耳朵抱在一起哭泣,结果身上却出现了黑色斑纹。

大熊猫们不仅将这些黑色斑保留下来作为对四个女孩的怀念,同时,也要让自己的孩子们记住所发生的一切。 它们把这四位牧羊女变成了一座四峰并立的山。这座山现在就矗立在中国四川卧龙自然保护区附近。


Anonymous said...

um... what's that in english again? :)

lAzy pAnda said...

err.... agar agar translate hor.... :P

although the giant pandas have never appear in any Chinese myth, but it did in a Tibetian fable.

Once there were 4 young shepherd girls who were killed while trying to save a giant panda from the mouth of a hungry leopard. when the rest of the pandas heard abt it, they decided to hold a funeral to commemorate these 4 girls.

at tat time, the giant pandas are totally white, without any black patches. to show their respect for the dead, they wore black shoulder patch to the funeral.

at this touching funeral, the pandas wept with great sorrow. their tears mixed with the black color of the shoulder patch and drip down. they rubbed at it and the black color dyed their eye patches. in their grief they curled up, holding their ears and wept. in the end their bodies have black patches.

the pandas kept these black patches as a memorial for the 4 girls. also to remind their children what had happened.

Anonymous said...

hmm.. interesting.. i think i've heard that before... thanks for the translation! :)